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Commemorative Works Public Meeting

The Office of Planning (OP) and the District Commemorative Works Committee have identified five potential locations in each Ward to support future commemorative works (statues and memorials) memorializing individuals, places, and events important to the District and its residents. Residents are invited to provide feedback on the proposed locations.

How to Participate in this Process

OP invites you to participate by attending a virtual meeting scheduled for February 18 at 6:00pm. To join by phone, dial 855-925-2801 and enter the following meeting code: 9045.

You can also share your thoughts by completing a brief survey, or by emailing your ideas to

Proposed Ward 5 Sites

OP commemorative sites proposed locations.PNG

More about the Commemorative Works Location Strategy

The strategy is forward-looking and identifies potential sites for future commemorative works only–it does not identify sites for specific commemorative works that are currently proposed. There are five preferred locations identified in each Ward–one for commemorating an event of importance to the nation, one for commemorating an event of importance to the District of Columbia, and three for commemorating events specific to a neighborhood.

Underlying values that guide the work of the District’s Commemorative Works Program include:

  • Affirm our civic identity by recognizing and educating residents about our local history–a history that includes people of all races and genders, and events both well-known and forgotten;

  • Listen to residents to understand what the people, places, events and ideas they think should be commemorated;

  • In addition to traditional commemorative works, explore diverse and innovative ways to celebrate our community’s past, such as creative placemaking, temporary events, public art installations, and community celebrations;

  • Through thoughtful community planning and engagement, encouraging commemorative works in places that have the greatest connection and meaning for both the object of commemoration and the potential audience;

  • Coordinate with other events, initiatives, and projects, such as federal commemoration efforts (NCPC’s Museum and Memorial Master Plan), DC’s Cultural Plan objectives, and various District initiatives

February 17

Wellness Wednesday: Building on Family Strengths

February 20

Coffee with Colleen!