District Department of Transportation: moveDC Long-Range Transportation Plan

Do you drive, walk, bike, ride a bus, or take a train in the District? DDOT wants your feedback for moveDC, the District’s long-range multimodal transportation plan, which will set the 25-year vision for D.C.’s transportation system. Share your ideas by attending virtual town halls, providing comments on interactive network maps, participating in telephone office hours, and participating in periodic online surveys.

Please read below for more information on the plan and how to participate.

What is moveDC?

moveDC is the District Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) long-range multimodal transportation plan for D.C. moveDC will establish goals, policies, strategies, and metrics for DDOT to invest in transportation facilities and programs that address the future needs of Washingtonians across all eight wards.

The moveDC 2021 update will:

  • Streamline the goals, policies, and strategies that guide transportation investments.

  • Map mobility networks for bicycles, transit and freight to achieve mode shift goals.

  • Address how recent, emerging and future mobility trends and innovations will shape our transportation system.

  • Set metrics to track progress and measure success.

  • Ensure equity is a key consideration in making transportation decisions.

  • Engage with the community to develop a plan that reflects current values and meets federal requirements.

DDOT updates moveDC on a regular basis. moveDC was last updated in 2014.

Plan Process (Summer 2020 – Summer 2021)

How to Participate

DDOT needs input from all residents to ensure that its long-range plan reflects the needs and priorities of our city.

In the fall of 2020, DDOT asked for feedback on the moveDC goals and policies, and heard from nearly 4,300 residents. In February 2021, DDOT sought residents’ input on the moveDC strategies through a second survey. DDOT hosted two virtual town halls in February to update residents on the development of the moveDC plan.


DC History Center: 2020 Time Capsule Project, “In Real Time”