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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:00:10 Treasurer's report
0:02:25 Commissioner Piekara mentions that Commissioner Henri Makembe is still being charged on his credit card for ANC 5B's website
0:04:15 Discussion about Commissioner Carley's unauthorized phone purchase and contract agreement
0:15:46 MPD reports, Public Service Area 504 (5th District) and 405 (4th District)
0:21:56 Brittany Butler, Mayor's Office on Constituent Relations and Services
0:23:34 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:28:37 Army National Guard Capital Guardian Youth ChalleNGe Program
0:35:24 BZA #20389 (SMD 5B01)
1:38:50 BZA case re: 4126 14th Street NE (tabled) (SMD 5B02)
1:40:28 Single Member District reports
1:50:05 Meeting adjourned

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 180 359 8731
Passcode: UPrbnPJx568

One-tap mobile:
+1-202-860-2110,,1803598731## US (Washington DC)

Phone it in:
1-202-860-2110 (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 180 359 8731


April 27

SMD 5B05 Meeting

May 5

ANC 5B Committee of the Whole (“COW”) planning meeting