Filtering by: “Monthly Meetings”

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its next regular public meeting on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 7pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex link
Meeting ID: 2313 811 2725
Meeting password: 7vMM4SJfm3E 

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 231 381 12725

The meeting agenda and additional meeting information may be found at

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its next regular public meeting on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 7pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex link
Meeting ID: 2313 811 2725
Meeting password: 7vMM4SJfm3E 

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 231 381 12725

The meeting agenda and additional meeting information may be found at

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its next regular public meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 7pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex link
Meeting ID: 2313 811 2725
Meeting password: 7vMM4SJfm3E 

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 231 381 12725

The meeting agenda and additional meeting information may be found at

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its October meeting on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at 6:30pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677
Meeting password: mpGuJfcB422

One-tap mobile:

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677


I will post a copy of the agenda once I receive it from the Chair.

Although no agenda has been posted as yet, I expect we will vote on ANC 5B’s proposed FY23 budget, which we presented to the community at our September monthly meeting. You can view the proposed budget here and below. Please be in touch if you have any feedback to share!

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

Note: The Chair did not video record the first 2/3 or so of the meeting, but another commissioner recorded the audio for the full meeting. You can listen to the full meeting via the audio recording below. You can watch the last 10 minutes of the meeting via the video recording below.

Audio Recording
(full meeting)

Video Recording (last 10 minutes)

ANC 5B will hold its March meeting on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 6:30pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677
Meeting password: mpGuJfcB422

One-tap mobile:

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677


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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its February meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 6:30pm. This meeting will be virtual.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677
Meeting password: mpGuJfcB422

One-tap mobile:

Call in: 
Meeting ID: 2306 764 0677


*Note: Plans to include the Reed Street development on the agenda have been scrapped. It now sounds like it will be put on the agenda for ANC 5B’s March 23 monthly meeting.

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:00:00 Agenda approval
0:03:13 Approval of minutes from November 17, 2021 meeting
0:08:43 Nokomis Hunter, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services
0:08:59 Silas Grant, Office of Councilmember McDuffie
0:16:35 Captain Christopher Moore, MPD Fifth District
0:38:30 Treasurer's Report and initial discussion of FY22 Q1 Quarterly Financial Report
0:50:55 BZA #20624 resolution (Commissioner Gayle Carley)
1:00:15 ANC 5B Officer Elections
1:16:53 ANC Annual Security Fund approval vote
1:18:28 Continued discussion of, and vote on, FY22 Q1 Quarterly Financial Report
1:32:29 Vote on ANC 5B meeting schedule for calendar year 2022 and January 2023
1:36:48 Single Member District reports
1:59:52 Brief discussion about what computer "cookies" are 🍪
2:03:11 Meeting adjourned

ANC 5B will hold its first monthly meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, at 6:30pm. This meeting will be virtual. Log-in details, as well as the agenda, are below.

Among other noteworthy items, the Commission will be considering a Planned Unit Development on Reed Street between Rhode Island Ave. and Franklin Street in Single Member District 5B04. Documents related to that agenda item are posted below, beneath the agenda.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2306 665 4233
Meeting password: 3GEkMfFqM93

One-tap mobile:

Call in: 
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Meeting ID: 2306 665 4233


Reed Street Development Planned Unit Development (PUD / Zoning Commission Case No. 22-04)

Documents related to this project are available below, both as links (click to view) and as embedded files.

Reed Street development project presentation
Reed Street development Community Benefits Agreement
Reed Street development Construction Management Plan
Formal application to the Zoning Commission

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its final monthly meeting of the year on Wednesday, November 17, at 6:30pm. This meeting will be virtual. Log-in details, as well as the agenda, are below.

Proposed Budget

ANC 5B is expected to present the Treasurer’s proposed FY22 budget to members of the community for their input (as required by law) at this meeting. Click here or on the image below to view the Treasurer’s proposed budget. These funding allocations are largely unchanged from the FY21 budget.

Here’s an overview of what the Treasurer’s proposed budget includes:

Treasurer’s Proposed FY22 Budget (click to enlarge)

  • Direct Office Cost: Rent for a one-room office ($6,600) and a leased commercial printer (~$3,000).

  • Communication: Three phones ($1,700+) and “padding” for other items (e.g., website and printed materials. The Treasurer has also indicated he would like to use public funds to purchase a laptop for his use.).

  • Bank Charges: Fees to obtain copies from the bank of checks ANC 5B has written.

  • Other: Late fee charges for our bills.

Weigh in on the Budget

Residents of 5B05 can weigh in with me on the proposed budget a few different ways: 1) by emailing me;
2) taking a survey; or 3) by creating your own proposed budget with an easy-to-use spreadsheet.

1) Email me!

2) Take the survey: Click on the link, enter your responses, and press “submit.”

Snapshot of Budget Survey (click to go to survey)

3) Create your own budget: Click on the link, sign into Google (if prompted), select the blue “Make a Copy” button, and edit away! A copy of your spreadsheet will be sent to me automatically; you don’t need to save the document or do anything else!

Snapshot of Budget Spreadsheet (click to edit)

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2308 081 0860
Meeting password: QxYgPGgU434

One-tap mobile:

Call in: 
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Meeting ID: 2308 081 0860


Resolution in Support of traffic calming on and near 12th Street NE

Below is a resolution I plan to introduce at our meeting in support of traffic calming for the 4000-4300 blocks of 12th Street NE and adjacent streets.

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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 27, at 6:30pm. The agenda is at the end of this page.

FY 22 Proposed Budget

Among other matters, the body is expected to present the Treasurer’s proposed FY22 budget to members of the community for their input (as required by law). Click on the image below to view the proposed budget.

Here’s an overview of what it includes:

  • Direct Office Cost: Rent for a one-room office ($6,600) and a leased commercial printer (~$3,000).

  • Communication: Three phones ($1,700+) and “padding” for other items (e.g., website and printed materials. The Treasurer has also indicated he would like to use public funds to purchase a laptop for his use.).

  • Bank Charges: Fees to obtain copies from the bank of checks ANC 5B has written.

  • Other: Late fee charges for our bills.

Treasurer’s Proposed FY22 Budget (click to enlarge)

Weigh in on the Budget

Residents of 5B05 can weigh in with me on the proposed budget a few different ways: 1) by emailing me;
2) taking a survey; or 3) by creating your own proposed budget with an easy-to-use spreadsheet.

1) Email me!

2) Take the survey: Click on the link, enter your responses, and press “submit.”

Snapshot of Budget Survey (click to go to survey)

3) Create your own budget: Click on the link, sign into Google (if prompted), select the blue “Make a Copy” button, and edit away! A copy of your spreadsheet will be sent to me automatically; you don’t need to save the document or do anything else!

Snapshot of Budget Spreadsheet (click to edit)

How to Join the Meeting

Note: The host of this month’s meeting has shared meeting login information that does not appear to be correct. I am trying to find out what happened. Below, you will see two different sets of login information: the one on the left is what my colleague shared with us; the one on the right is what was originally supposed to be our meeting login information. I’ll update this page with the correct information once I’m able to confirm which login to use. In the meantime, please plan on possibly needing to try both logins.

Join online:
Click here: ANC 5B Webex Meeting Room
Meeting ID: 476380073

Call in:
Meeting ID: 476380073

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2309 934 0299
Password: ndPuwmSw533

One-tap mobile:

Call in:
Meeting ID: 2309 934 0299


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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:09:42 MPD reports, Police Service Area 405 (4th District), and 504 (5th District)
0:19:03 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:25:15 Protected bike lanes on Monroe Street, DDOT
0:38:00 Ward 5 Education Collaborative, Zachary Parker
1:01:58 Under 3 DC Coalition, Jamar Day
1:17:10 Treasurer's report
1:22:59 Commissioner Higgins reveals that Commissioner Carley reportedly turned in her old broken phone. She also reveals that Commissioner Carley purportedly provided ANC 5B a check (backdated to May 7, 2021) for the full amount of the phone she had impermissibly purchased in March (which ANC 5B never deposited, for some reason). Finally, Commissioner Higgins reveals that Commissioner Carley would return her new phone and get a different one at no extra cost to ANC 5B, subject to a two-year contract.
1:29:05 Discussion about FY 2020 Q4 Quarterly Financial Report (for July-September 2020)
1:36:10 Commissioner Higgins asks whether Gottlieb Simon, Director of the Office of ANCs, is in the meeting to address ANC 5B's late approval of its FY2020 Q4 QFR
1:42:00 Commissioner Carley improperly mutes other Commissioners during a discussion about ANC 5B's finances
1:45:39 Commissioner Costello formally moves to postpone discussion about ANC 5B's FY2020 Q4 QFR until 6:30pm on June 3, 2021 (motion passed at 1:51:45)
1:51:46 Discussion about proposed FY2021 ANC 5B budget (which was overdue by seven months)
2:21:58 Commissioner Carley discusses her impermissible phone purchase
2:32:41 Votes on ANC 5B resolutions 2:33:13 BZA case #20510 (SMD 5B02)
2:39:02 17th Street speed humps resolution (SMD 5B03)
2:41:17 Resolution on proposed changes to the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE
2:46:30 BZA case #20456 (SMD 5B01)
3:05:31 Resolution in support of safe streets in ANC 5B
3:10:13 SMD reports
3:14:10 Brittany Butler, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services
3:18:05 Meeting adjourned

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Webex Meeting Link
Meeting number (access code): 180 359 8731
Meeting password: UPrbnPJx568

One-tap mobile:
+1-202-860-2110,,1803598731## (Washington D.C.)

Call in:
1-202-860-2110 (Washington D.C.)


Links to resolutions are available below. Please scroll down further for the full agenda.

  1. Resolution on BZA Case # 20510 (5B02—Commissioner Higgins)

  2. 17th Street (5B03) Speed Humps Resolution (5B03—Commissioner Piekara)

  3. Resolution on BZA Case # 20456 (5B04—Commissioner Amin)

  4. Resolution on proposed traffic changes to the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE (5B05—Commissioner Costello)

  5. Resolution in support of safe streets in ANC 5B (5B03 and 5B05—Commissioners Piekara and Costello)

ANC 5B Agenda - May 26, 2021
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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:00:10 Treasurer's report
0:02:25 Commissioner Piekara mentions that Commissioner Henri Makembe is still being charged on his credit card for ANC 5B's website
0:04:15 Discussion about Commissioner Carley's unauthorized phone purchase and contract agreement
0:15:46 MPD reports, Public Service Area 504 (5th District) and 405 (4th District)
0:21:56 Brittany Butler, Mayor's Office on Constituent Relations and Services
0:23:34 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:28:37 Army National Guard Capital Guardian Youth ChalleNGe Program
0:35:24 BZA #20389 (SMD 5B01)
1:38:50 BZA case re: 4126 14th Street NE (tabled) (SMD 5B02)
1:40:28 Single Member District reports
1:50:05 Meeting adjourned

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 180 359 8731
Passcode: UPrbnPJx568

One-tap mobile:
+1-202-860-2110,,1803598731## US (Washington DC)

Phone it in:
1-202-860-2110 (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 180 359 8731


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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:00:50 Roll call
0:01:38 Amendment and approval of agenda
0:04:45 Approval of minutes from February 24, 2021 meeting
0:06:20 Treasurer's report
0:09:55 Commissioner Carley mentions she purchased a new phone without Commission approval; Commissioner Higgins admonishes that this information should have been shared with the Commission and Treasurer
0:12:12 Commissioner Carley acknowledges that the Commission needs to vote on her phone purchase 👀
0:12:32 MPD report, Police Service Area 405 (4th District) and 504 (5th District)
0:34:00 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:42:50 Brittany Butler, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services
0:46:53 Interim Director Everett Lott, DDOT
1:27:40 Lester Wallace, Capital Bikeshare
1:38:23 D.C. Water
1:58:00 Office of People's Counsel Water Division
2:11:00 Matthew Acho, Serve DC, Mayor's Office on Volunteerism and Partnerships
2:16:20 Votes on ANC 5B resolutions
2:16:50 Michigan Liquors Settlement Agreement amendment resolution 🍾
2:25:20 Crummell School resolution
2:40:42 BZA #20444 (5B01)
2:49:23 Comp Plan resolution
2:58:48 SMD reports
2:59:25 Discussion by Principal Levar Jenkins (Burroughs) and Ms. Cinthia Ruiz (DCPS Facilities) about use of Burroughs field ⚽️
3:10:10 Public comments
3:28:07 Meeting adjourned

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 894 5197 0822
Passcode: 969443

One-tap mobile:
+13017158592,,89451970822#,,,,*969443# US (Washington DC)

Phone it in:
1-301-715-8592 (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 894 5197 0822
Passcode: 969443


210324_Meeting Agenda_v2.jpg
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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:02:38 Roll call
0:03:12 Approval of agenda
0:04:08 Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:38:32 Councilmember Christina Henderson (At-Large)
0:53:43 Approval of minutes from January 26, 2021 meeting
0:54:56 Treasurer's report
0:58:23 Captain Christopher Moore, MPD Fifth District
1:18:54 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
1:26:20 Solar for All program
1:42:50 Greater Brookland Intergenerational Village
1:46:15 Racial equity in maternal health presentation
1:57:38 Single Member District reports
2:04:57 Public comment
2:05:23 Meeting adjourned

How to Join Online or by Phone:

Webex virtual meeting link
Password: YbqU9Ea44kK

One-Click Mobile Device Number:
+1-202-860-2110,,1803931291## United States Toll (Washington D.C.)

To join by Webex meeting number:
Meeting number: 180 359 8731
Password: UPrbnPJx568

To join by phone:
Dial-In number: 202-860-2110
Access code: 180 359 8731

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