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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:09:42 MPD reports, Police Service Area 405 (4th District), and 504 (5th District)
0:19:03 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:25:15 Protected bike lanes on Monroe Street, DDOT
0:38:00 Ward 5 Education Collaborative, Zachary Parker
1:01:58 Under 3 DC Coalition, Jamar Day
1:17:10 Treasurer's report
1:22:59 Commissioner Higgins reveals that Commissioner Carley reportedly turned in her old broken phone. She also reveals that Commissioner Carley purportedly provided ANC 5B a check (backdated to May 7, 2021) for the full amount of the phone she had impermissibly purchased in March (which ANC 5B never deposited, for some reason). Finally, Commissioner Higgins reveals that Commissioner Carley would return her new phone and get a different one at no extra cost to ANC 5B, subject to a two-year contract.
1:29:05 Discussion about FY 2020 Q4 Quarterly Financial Report (for July-September 2020)
1:36:10 Commissioner Higgins asks whether Gottlieb Simon, Director of the Office of ANCs, is in the meeting to address ANC 5B's late approval of its FY2020 Q4 QFR
1:42:00 Commissioner Carley improperly mutes other Commissioners during a discussion about ANC 5B's finances
1:45:39 Commissioner Costello formally moves to postpone discussion about ANC 5B's FY2020 Q4 QFR until 6:30pm on June 3, 2021 (motion passed at 1:51:45)
1:51:46 Discussion about proposed FY2021 ANC 5B budget (which was overdue by seven months)
2:21:58 Commissioner Carley discusses her impermissible phone purchase
2:32:41 Votes on ANC 5B resolutions 2:33:13 BZA case #20510 (SMD 5B02)
2:39:02 17th Street speed humps resolution (SMD 5B03)
2:41:17 Resolution on proposed changes to the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE
2:46:30 BZA case #20456 (SMD 5B01)
3:05:31 Resolution in support of safe streets in ANC 5B
3:10:13 SMD reports
3:14:10 Brittany Butler, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services
3:18:05 Meeting adjourned

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Webex Meeting Link
Meeting number (access code): 180 359 8731
Meeting password: UPrbnPJx568

One-tap mobile:
+1-202-860-2110,,1803598731## (Washington D.C.)

Call in:
1-202-860-2110 (Washington D.C.)


Links to resolutions are available below. Please scroll down further for the full agenda.

  1. Resolution on BZA Case # 20510 (5B02—Commissioner Higgins)

  2. 17th Street (5B03) Speed Humps Resolution (5B03—Commissioner Piekara)

  3. Resolution on BZA Case # 20456 (5B04—Commissioner Amin)

  4. Resolution on proposed traffic changes to the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE (5B05—Commissioner Costello)

  5. Resolution in support of safe streets in ANC 5B (5B03 and 5B05—Commissioners Piekara and Costello)

ANC 5B Agenda - May 26, 2021
May 13

Planning + Zoning 101 Meeting

June 2

ANC 5B Committee of the Whole (“COW”) planning meeting