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ANC 5B Monthly Meeting

0:00:50 Roll call
0:01:38 Amendment and approval of agenda
0:04:45 Approval of minutes from February 24, 2021 meeting
0:06:20 Treasurer's report
0:09:55 Commissioner Carley mentions she purchased a new phone without Commission approval; Commissioner Higgins admonishes that this information should have been shared with the Commission and Treasurer
0:12:12 Commissioner Carley acknowledges that the Commission needs to vote on her phone purchase 👀
0:12:32 MPD report, Police Service Area 405 (4th District) and 504 (5th District)
0:34:00 Kelley Cislo, Office of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie (Ward 5)
0:42:50 Brittany Butler, Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services
0:46:53 Interim Director Everett Lott, DDOT
1:27:40 Lester Wallace, Capital Bikeshare
1:38:23 D.C. Water
1:58:00 Office of People's Counsel Water Division
2:11:00 Matthew Acho, Serve DC, Mayor's Office on Volunteerism and Partnerships
2:16:20 Votes on ANC 5B resolutions
2:16:50 Michigan Liquors Settlement Agreement amendment resolution 🍾
2:25:20 Crummell School resolution
2:40:42 BZA #20444 (5B01)
2:49:23 Comp Plan resolution
2:58:48 SMD reports
2:59:25 Discussion by Principal Levar Jenkins (Burroughs) and Ms. Cinthia Ruiz (DCPS Facilities) about use of Burroughs field ⚽️
3:10:10 Public comments
3:28:07 Meeting adjourned

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 894 5197 0822
Passcode: 969443

One-tap mobile:
+13017158592,,89451970822#,,,,*969443# US (Washington DC)

Phone it in:
1-301-715-8592 (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 894 5197 0822
Passcode: 969443


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March 24

Wellness Wednesday: Parenting with Patience

April 1

ANC 5B Special Meeting