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Joint SMD 5B05-5A03 Meeting

I will hold a joint Single Member District meeting with my counterpart in SMD 5A03, Commissioner Emily Lucio, on Tuesday, October 25, at 6pm. DDOT has been invited to join us to discuss ongoing alley cut-through traffic and other traffic safety concerns near the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE. See below for the meeting log-in/call-in information.

Residents may recall that we met to discuss this issue in April 2021. Following extensive community feedback, I introduced a resolution in support of traffic calming on the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE and surrounding streets. ANC 5B passed the resolution on May 26, 2021. DDOT has made a few welcome improvements in the neighborhood, including by installing speed humps on 10th St., Taussig Pl., Upshur St., and Urell Pl., other problems (e.g., alley cut-through traffic) remain unaddressed.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer
Click on the Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 824 4873 9345
Meeting password: 744517

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82448739345#,,,,*744517# (Washington DC)

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 824 4873 9345
Meeting password: 744517

October 20

SMD 5B05 Meeting

October 26

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting