Filtering by: “Single Member District Meetings and Events”

SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Monday, June 26, at 7:30pm to discuss the following items:

  • Providence Reimagined: A proposal to redesign the Providence Hospital property to include senior housing; affordable workforce housing; townhomes; 2 acres of community recreation space and gardens; additional streets to relieve neighborhood traffic congestion; and medical offices and retail.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 843 9721 8523
Passcode: 640006

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 843 9721 8523
Passcode: 640006

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,84397218523#,,,,*640006#.

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Thursday, May 11, at 7pm to discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case No. 20914 / 4019 9th Street NE: The owner is requesting a special exception two add two cellar-level units to an existing four-unit multi-family building. The developer also proposes to add four parking spaces behind the building (currently there are zero parking spaces). Please see below for details.

  • Washington Yu Ying/Washington Latin Shared Campus: Presentation on the forthcoming shared education campus between Washington Latin and Washington Yu Ying charter schools at 4301 Harewood Road NE (formerly the Kirov Ballet School). Both schools will begin site work this summer and open for operations in Fall 2024 (Yu Ying) and Fall 2025 (Latin). More information about the project may be found at

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 876 7139 9803
Passcode: 395182

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 876 7139 9803
Passcode: 395182

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,87671399803#,,,,*395182#.

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 4019 9th Street NE (BZA Case No. 20914)

What is the special exception requested? New residential developments in the RA-1 zone require special exception relief pursuant to § U-421 of the D.C. Municipal Regulations. The Zoning Administrator has interpreted a “new residential development” to include the conversion of an existing apartment building that adds any new dwelling units.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

What changes are proposed in this case?

The owner proposes to add two additional units in the cellar of an existing four-unit building, bringing the total number of units to six. Four parking spaces would be added behind the building. The building height would increase by 5 feet, from 28’ to 33’ (but still well within the allowable 40’ height limit). The footprint would remain unchanged.

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Thursday, February 23, at 7pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • Historic Preservation Review Board Case 22-328 / Brookland Bowling Alleys (3726 10th Street NE): A proposal to build a new mixed-use residential-commercial development at the existing 10th Street shopping plaza across from Turkey Thicket Recreation Center. UIP has revised its design based on resident and HPRB feedback (see images below) and would like to share the revisions with residents before its March 23, 2023, HPRB hearing.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 821 9616 7385
Passcode: 157773

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 821 9616 7385
Passcode: 157773

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13052241968,,82196167385#,,,,*157773# US

Brookland Lanes Historic Preservation Review Board Case / 3700 block of 10th Street NE

Urban Investment Partners (UIP), the owner of several parcels of land on 10th Street between Michigan Avenue and Perry Place, proposes to build a new mixed-used residential-commercial development that will replace the existing 10th Street shopping plaza across from Turkey Thicket Recreation Center.

One of the buildings in this space is the Atlantic Electric Supply Corporation, formerly known as the Brookland Bowling Alleys. This building is both a District and national historic site. Accordingly, UIP must present its proposed design to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), which will consider the “height, proportions, materials, the level and nature of demolition and the alteration of character-defining features. The Board does not consider use, light, air, noise, privacy, traffic, views per se, the removal of trees, etc.”

UPDATE: I met with residents to discuss this project in June 2022. Based on feedback from residents and HPRB about the project, UIP has reworked the design of the building. Among other changes, the new design proposes to use different materials and colors on the exterior; reduces the building height above the historic structure and at the north end; and it moves the outdoor patio near 10th + Michigan toward the center of the building next to the historic Brookland Lanes building.

You can view a comparison of the earlier iteration of the design and the more recent re-design below. Residents can view additional HPRB documents associated with the project here.

UIP’s HPRB hearing is scheduled for March 23, 2023.


Will this project be a Planned Unit Development?

Unlike many other recent developments in our community, the developer does not intend to seek a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for this space. (A PUD would allow a developer to increase the height and/or density of a project beyond what would be permitted by right, in exchange for community benefits.) UIP instead intends to build "by right," which means that it does not intend to seek zoning exceptions that would allow UIP to build a larger structure than is already permitted within the zone where these buildings are located. The maximum height the developer is permitted to build to under current zoning limits is 50’.

Because UIP is not seeking to do a PUD, the community won't have the same kind of opportunity to negotiate community benefits as we've done with large projects like the St. Joseph's Seminary development and the proposed Reed Street development. Nevertheless, it may be helpful for residents to share their views as to how they hope the commercial space will be utilized so that UIP better understands market demands in our area.

What will happen to the existing tenants?

According to UIP, several of the existing tenants have leases that don’t expire until sometime in 2024, which UIP intends to honor. UIP has said that this project is in the very early stages and that it does not intend to break ground on this project until Summer (August) 2024. I’ve been told that District Vet intends to remain as a tenant in the new building, and the developer will work with District Vet to figure out how to allow it to continue its operations during construction. I have also strongly urged UIP to ensure that it allocates suitable space in the new development for a childcare center, given the enormous demand for childcare in the neighborhood. UIP’s property manager has also met with Petit Scholars to discuss the potential of moving back into the development once it is completed.

What role does the ANC play in this process?

ANCs are entitled to “great weight” in matters that come before the HPRB. Accordingly, I will hold a public meeting for residents to learn about the project and share their views. I will then present the matter to the full ANC 5B Commission for a vote on whether or not HPRB should approve, modify, or reject the project as proposed.

Meeting Flyer

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Costume Community Clean-Up! 🎃👻

Costume Community Clean-Up! 🎃👻


Community Clean-Up @10am

I’m excited to host a community clean-up on Saturday, October 29, at 10am! All are welcome! We’ll meet at 10th + Quincy Streets next to Turkey Thicket. We’ll focus on cleaning up 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and Quincy, Randolph, and Taylor Streets (see map). Costumes are enthusiastically encouraged! 👻🤖🐺👹

I will have gloves, trash bags, and trash pick-up sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (You may wish to bring some smaller-sized gloves for younger helpers; the gloves I have from Clean City DC are fairly large.)

Kids’ Activity @11:15am

Following the clean-up, we’ll rendevous at 10th + Shepherd Streets near the Turkey Thicket community garden / playground entrance for a fun Halloween kids’ reading and craft activity. 🎃🍬🍭 Costumes are encouraged! 👻🤖🐺👹 I’ll hand out candy afterward (including sugar- and nut-free alternatives).

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Joint SMD 5B05-5A03 Meeting

Joint SMD 5B05-5A03 Meeting

I will hold a joint Single Member District meeting with my counterpart in SMD 5A03, Commissioner Emily Lucio, on Tuesday, October 25, at 6pm. DDOT has been invited to join us to discuss ongoing alley cut-through traffic and other traffic safety concerns near the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE. See below for the meeting log-in/call-in information.

Residents may recall that we met to discuss this issue in April 2021. Following extensive community feedback, I introduced a resolution in support of traffic calming on the 4200-4300 blocks of 10th Street NE and surrounding streets. ANC 5B passed the resolution on May 26, 2021. DDOT has made a few welcome improvements in the neighborhood, including by installing speed humps on 10th St., Taussig Pl., Upshur St., and Urell Pl., other problems (e.g., alley cut-through traffic) remain unaddressed.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer
Click on the Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 824 4873 9345
Meeting password: 744517

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82448739345#,,,,*744517# (Washington DC)

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 824 4873 9345
Meeting password: 744517

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Thursday, October 20, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • New liquor license application for VinBoheme at 645 Taylor Street NE

  • Liquor license renewal for San Antonio Bar & Grill at 3908 12th Street NE (SABG’s current liquor license allows it to serve liquor until as late as 3am some nights. The liquor license renewal does not request any changes to those hours. The hours currently posted on its website suggest it is only open until 9:30pm at the latest.)

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 846 6595 5348
Passcode: 445945

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 846 6595 5348
Passcode: 445945

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13126266799,,84665955348#,,,,*445945#

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MPD Monthly Meeting—Fourth District, Sector Two

MPD Monthly Meeting—Fourth District, Sector Two

MPD Fourth District, Sector Two (covering Police Service Area 405) holds regular public safety meetings on the second Tuesday of every month. These meetings are intended to give residents a readout of recent public safety issues. Residents can also ask questions of MPD about issues of concern to them. Please see below on how to join this meeting.

How to Join the Meeting

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 2318 987 9879
Meeting password: 4dsector2

One-tap mobile:

Meeting ID: 2318 987 9879

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Monday, September 19, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case 20820 / 4008 7th Street NE: A zoning special exception request for 4008 7th Street NE to add two additional dwelling units to an existing semi-detached, 4-unit apartment house in the RA-1 zone.

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 898 7904 5918
Passcode: 368780

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 898 7904 5918
Passcode: 368780

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +16469313860,,89879045918#,,,,*368780#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 4008 7th Street NE (BZA Case No. 20820)

What is the special exception requested? New residential developments in the RA-1 zone require special exception relief pursuant to § U-421 of the D.C. Municipal Regulations. The Zoning Administrator has interpreted a “new residential development” to include the conversion of an existing apartment building that adds any new dwelling units.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

What changes are proposed in this case?

The owner proposes to add two additional units in the cellar of an existing four-unit building, bringing the total number of units to six. Four parking spaces would be added behind the building. Window wells would be added to the front and back of the building, and access stairs would be added to the right of the building, for use by the cellar unit occupants. .

The faux mansard roof would remain, and the building height and footprint would remain unchanged.

Residents can view images of the proposed development here.

Existing structure (rear).

Existing structure (front).

Rear and front perspective of the redesigned structure.

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Community Clean-Up!

Community Clean-Up!

Now that the weather is a little cooler, I’m excited to host another community clean-up on Sunday, August 28, at 10am.


We’ll plan to meet at 10th + Shepherd Streets behind Turkey Thicket . All are welcome!

I will have gloves, masks, trash and recycling bags, and trash grabber sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (And, if you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves I have from Clean City DC are very large.)

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Tuesday, June 14, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case 20787 / 705 Quincy Street NE: A zoning special exception request for 705 Quincy Street NE to add two additional dwelling units, to an existing, attached, two-story with cellar, 4-unit apartment house in the RA-1 zone.

  • Historic Preservation Review Board Case 22-328 / Brookland Bowling Alleys (3726 10th Street NE): A proposal to build a new mixed-used residential-commercial development at the existing 10th Street shopping plaza across from Turkey Thicket Recreation Center.

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 826 7476 1776
Passcode: 956527

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 826 7476 1776
Passcode: 956527

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,82674761776#,,,,*956527#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 705 Quincy Street NE (BZA Case No. 20787)

What is the special exception requested? New residential developments in the RA-1 zone require special exception relief pursuant to § U-421 of the D.C. Municipal Regulations. The Zoning Administrator has interpreted a “new residential development” to include the conversion of an existing apartment building that adds any new dwelling units.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

What changes are proposed in this case? The owner proposes to add two additional units in the cellar of an existing four-unit building, bringing the total number of units to six. The building height and footprint would remain unchanged.

Four parking spaces will be added behind the building (none currently exist); the builder proposes to use permeable pavers in the parking area behind the building. The rear yard would be fenced in with a 6’ high privacy fence on two sides, and rolling garage doors at the back facing the alley.

The developer proposes to add window wells to the front and back cellar units. The faux mansard roof would remain, as would the existing brick façade. Existing windows would be replaced.

Residents can view images of the proposed development to the right and here.

This building is adjacent to 701 Quincy Street, which residents weighed in on and ANC 5B supported in February. The developer has incorporated some of the feedback that residents provided for 701 Quincy (permeable pavers, landscaping, etc.) into the proposed design for 705 Quincy. The developer has also agreed to offer a Construction Management Agreement similar to that offered for 701 Quincy St.

Brookland Lanes Historic Preservation Review Board Case / 3700 block of 10th Street NE

Urban Investment Partners (UIP), the owner of several parcels of land on 10th Street between Michigan Avenue and Perry Place, proposes to build a new mixed-used residential-commercial development that will replace the existing 10th Street shopping plaza across from Turkey Thicket Recreation Center.

One of the buildings in this space is the Atlantic Electric Supply Corporation, formerly known as the Brookland Bowling Alleys. This building is both a District and national historic site. Accordingly, UIP must present its proposed design to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), which will consider the “height, proportions, materials, the level and nature of demolition and the alteration of character-defining features. The Board does not consider use, light, air, noise, privacy, traffic, views per se, the removal of trees, etc.” UIP’s HPRB hearing is tentatively scheduled for June 23, although there is a possibility it could get postponed until July.

Residents can view UIP’s application for its proposed project here; residents can view images of the proposed project here.


Will this project be a Planned Unit Development?

Unlike many other recent developments in our community, the developer does not intend to seek a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for this space. (A PUD would allow a developer to increase the height and/or density of a project beyond what would be permitted by right, in exchange for community benefits.) UIP instead intends to build "by right," which means that it does not intend to seek zoning exceptions that would allow UIP to build a larger structure than is already permitted within the zone where these buildings are located. The maximum height the developer is permitted to build to under current zoning limits is 50’.

Because UIP is not seeking to do a PUD, the community won't have the same kind of opportunity to negotiate community benefits as we've done with large projects like the St. Joseph's Seminary development and the proposed Reed Street development. Nevertheless, it may be helpful for residents to share their views as to how they hope the commercial space will be utilized so that UIP better understands market demands in our area.

What will happen to the existing tenants?

According to UIP, several of the existing tenants have leases that don’t expire until sometime in 2024, which UIP intends to honor. UIP has said that this project is in the very early stages and that it does not intend to break ground on this project until Summer (August) 2024. I’ve been told that District Vet intends to remain as a tenant in the new building, and the developer will work with District Vet to figure out how to allow it to continue its operations during construction. I have also strongly urged UIP to ensure that it allocates suitable space in the new development for a childcare center, given the enormous demand for childcare in the neighborhood. UIP’s property manager has also met with Petit Scholars to discuss the potential of moving back into the development once it is completed.

What role does the ANC play in this process?

ANCs are entitled to “great weight” in matters that come before the HPRB. Accordingly, I will hold a public meeting for residents to learn about the project and share their views. I will then present the matter to the full ANC 5B Commission for a vote on whether or not HPRB should approve, modify, or reject the project as proposed.

Above: Sun study depicting the shadows of the proposed building and their effect on homes on Perry Place.

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Tuesday, May 17, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case 20741 / 1022 Taussig Pl. NE: A zoning special exception request for 1022 Taussig Pl. NE to replace an existing rear deck with a new, screened-in deck.

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 881 2166 3882
Passcode: 551012

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 881 2166 3882
Passcode: 551012

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,88121663882#,,,,*551012#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 1022 Taussig Pl. NE (BZA Case No. 20741)

The owner proposes to demolish an existing rear deck and replace it with a new, screened-in deck in the same location. Residents can view an image of the proposed deck below.

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Community Clean-Up!

Community Clean-Up!

I will host a kids’ Earth Day activity and community clean-up on Saturday, April 23.

The kids’ activity will take place at 2pm.

(We’ll be reading an Earth Day-themed book and making seed bombs! 🌱🌻)

The clean-up will take place at 3pm.


We’ll plan to meet at 10th and Shepherd Streets behind Turkey Thicket . All are welcome!

I will have gloves, masks, trash and recycling bags, and trash grabber sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (And, if you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves I have from Clean City DC are very large.)

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Monday, April 18, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 880 0759 8426
Passcode: 065655

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 880 0759 8426
Passcode: 065655

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,88007598426#,,,,*065655#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 4001 7th Street NE (BZA Case No. 20706)

The structure at 4001 7th Street NE is currently a four-unit building. The owner proposes to add three additional units by increasing the building height by one story, bringing the total number of units to seven. This project will not alter the existing building footprint. The building will have four 2 BR, 2 Bath units, and three 2 BR, 1.5 Bath units. The owner will provide four parking spaces behind the building.

Under D.C. law, any new or substantially modified multifamily development in an RA-1 zone must obtain a ”special exception” from the BZA before it can be approved.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

Residents can view images of the existing structure and proposed development, as well as the developer’s application, below. Additional supporting documents are available here.

Rendering of proposed changes to structure (side-view).

Photo of existing building (side view).

Chart above shows that the proposed changes to 4001 7th Street NE are to:

  • expand the lot occupancy by 1% of the total lot area;

  • increase the Floor Area Ratio by .12;

  • increase the height by 13.22 feet; and

  • add four parking spaces.

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Reed Street Planned Unit Development Meeting

Reed Street Planned Unit Development Meeting

I will co-host meeting with my colleague, Commissioner Prita Piekara (5B03), to give constituents the opportunity to learn about and weigh in on the proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) on Reed Street NE, bounded by the train tracks to the west, Franklin St. to the north, 10th St. to the east, and Rhode Island Avenue to the south.

Residents can view documents and images of the proposed design below.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 860 5962 6716
Passcode: 551447

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 860 5962 6716
Passcode: 551447

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13126266799,,86059626716#,,,,*551447#

Reed Street Development Planned Unit Development (PUD / Zoning Commission Case No. 22-04)

Documents related to this project are available below, both as links (click to view) and as embedded files.

Reed Street development project presentation
Reed Street development Community Benefits Agreement (Note: the latest, revised CBA is below)
Reed Street development Construction Management Plan
Formal application to the Zoning Commission

Supplemental Documents and Revisions — Updated February 15, 2022

Revised traffic calming proposal (would extend bollards on yellow centerline along Franklin St. NE; corrects error in prior version that failed to note raised crosswalks)
Revised parking space plans (would eliminate some parking in Phase II-B building and replace with four more housing units; would reduce parking in Phase II-A building)
Revised Community Benefits Agreement

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Community Clean-Up!

Community Clean-Up!

The weather will be warm on Saturday, February 12, so I’ve decided to host a community clean-up! We’ll meet at 2:30pm on Saturday, February 12, at 10th and Shepherd (near the Turkey Thicket playground). All are welcome—kids, too!

The 800-1000 blocks of Taylor Street could use some love, but depending upon the level of participation, we can split up into teams to tackle multiple areas.

I will have gloves, masks, trash and recycling bags, and trash grabber sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (And, if you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves I have from Clean City DC are very large.)

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Tuesday, February 8, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case 20664 / 701 Quincy St NE: A zoning special exception request for 701 Quincy Street NE. Please see below for details.

  • BZA Case 20678 / 828 Taylor St NE (Note: this property is next door to 824 Taylor St NE, which also has a BZA case pending that we discussed at my January SMD meeting): A zoning special exception request for 828 Taylor Street NE. Please see below for details.

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 876 2317 7204
Passcode: 383706

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 876 2317 7204
Passcode: 383706

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13126266799,,87623177204#,,,,*383706#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 701 Quincy Street NE (BZA Case No. 20664)

The structure at 701 Quincy Street NE is currently a four-unit building. The owner proposes to add two additional units in the basement level, bringing the total number of units to six. Of the two units to be added, one will be a one-bedroom unit and the other will be a two-bedroom unit. This project will not alter the existing building footprint. The owner will also provide four parking spaces behind the building.

Under D.C. law, any new or substantially modified multifamily development in an RA-1 zone must obtain a ”special exception” from the BZA before it can be approved.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

Residents can view images of the existing structure and proposed development, as well as the developer’s application, below. Additional supporting documents are available here.

Front-facing view of existing property.

Rendering of proposed changes to structure (side-view).

Chart above shows that the only proposed changes to 701 Quincy Street Ne are to add four parking spaces. No other property conditions—lot size, occupancy, or building height—would be altered.

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 828 Taylor Street NE (BZA Case No. 20678)

828 Taylor Street NE is a property located on the north side of Taylor Street, in SMD 5A03. Although it is not located in ANC 5B, the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) is required to give “great weight” to affected ANCs. It must also consider the views of residents residing within 200’ of the property, including those who live across the street from this property in SMD 5B05. Accordingly, I have invited the developer to present on the project to 5B05 residents. (Commissioner Singer Lucio of 5A03 has held a separate meeting with her constituents.)

The builder for 828 Taylor Street NE proposes to raze the existing four-unit building to build a new building that would have eight new 2-bedroom units. The developer is also requesting special exception approval for a voluntary Inclusionary Zoning development.

D.C. law requires that any new residential unit in an RA-1 zone, other than single-family homes, obtain a ”special exception” from the BZA before it can be approved.

Residents can view images of the existing structure and proposed development, as well as the developer’s application, below. Additional supporting documents are available here.

Front-facing view of existing property.

Rendering of proposed development.

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Special SMD 5B05 Community Meeting - Shining Stars Montessori Alley Use

Special SMD 5B05 Community Meeting - Shining Stars Montessori Alley Use

I will hold a special community meeting for Single Member District 5B05 residents on Tuesday, January 25, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the use of the alleys behind Shining Stars Montessori Academy (SSMA) on 1240 Randolph Street NE, as well as a proposal by DDOT to amend the use of the alleys for school drop-off and pick-up.

This is a continuation of the discussion residents had at my Single Member District meeting on Wednesday, January 19. Representatives from DDOT and SSMA plan to attend.

This meeting may be of particular interest to residents of the 1200 block of Randolph Street NE, the 1200 block of Michigan Avenue, and the 4000-4100 blocks of 13th Street NE.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 863 1031 9786
Passcode: 346401

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 863 1031 9786
Passcode: 346401

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,86310319786#,,,,*346401#

Background and DDOT’s Proposed Alley Changes

At the end of the 2020-21 school year, SSMA began using the alley behind the school as a drop-off and pick-up location for some of its students, in addition to using the front door of the school for drop-off and pick-up for other students.

For the 2021-22 school year, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) issued COVID-19 health and safety guidance to schools. In that guidance, it recommended that schools try to keep student/teacher cohorts separate during arrival and dismissal by:

  • staggering arrival and departure times;

  • utilizing multiple points of entry/exit; and/or

  • creating clear space delineations for students to line up to enter/exit the school.

Pursuant to these suggestions, continued to use the rear of the school as the drop-off/pick up location for its younger students, and the front for older students. The vehicular traffic associated with the use of the alley for school drop-off/pick-ups has created some challenges for residents seeking to leave and return to their homes.

To address these concerns, DDOT has proposed to amend the traffic flow of the alley that runs parallel to the 1200 block of Randolph Street, as well as the alley that runs parallel to the 1200 block of Michigan Avenue, in order to accommodate school drop-off and pick-up traffic for SSMA.

Specifically, DDOT proposes to restrict alley access in both alleys between the hours of 8-9am and 2:30-4pm Monday through Friday. The east-west alley that runs parallel to Randolph Street would be one-way eastbound during those timeframes. I have confirmed with DDOT that vehicular traffic in the alley that runs parallel to Michigan Avenue would be two-way. Vehicles would be prohibited from traveling from turning northbound from the Randolph alley (where the school drop-off/pick-up line is) to the Michigan Ave. alley during the restricted times. It would instead be routed eastbound along the Randolph alley with other school traffic until it exits onto 13th Street.

The map to the right attempts to depict how DDOT’s proposal would affect traffic patterns in each alley.

In the Randolph Street alley, traffic would only flow eastbound (red arrow). Residents who live on the north side of Randolph, and on 12th, 13th, and Michigan whose driveways face the Randolph alley (circled in blue), would need to head eastbound with other SSMA traffic during the restricted times. Vehicles would be prohibited from turning northbound from the Randolph alley to the Michigan alley during school drop-off and pick-up hours.

In the Michigan alley, traffic would flow in both directions (green arrows). Residents whose driveways face this alley could enter and exit their driveways coming from the 13th Street exit furthest from the school (across from Shepherd St.).


Alternative Options: DDOT considered two other alternatives (shown below) prior to proposing the option above. The first was to allow drop-off/pick-up to continue in the alley without traffic restrictions. The second was to allow the west side of 13th Street to be used for school drop-off and pick-up instead of the alley.


Alternative 1: Allow the alley to continue to be used for drop-off and pick-up without traffic restrictions. This would allow vehicles to travel in either alley in both directions, space permitting.


Alternative 2 (13th Street drop-off/pick-up): Another option DDOT considered was to allow SSMA to use west side of 13th Street, between Randolph and Shepherd Streets, as a drop-off/pick-up zone for students instead of the alley. This option would restrict parking on 13th Street from 7-9am and 3-5pm on school days.

DDOT has recently informed me that it intends to create a condensed drop-off/pick-up zone on 13th Street between Randolph Street and the Randolph alley. It is not yet clear to me how the school intends to use this space to lessen the impact of the alley use for residents.

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My School DC - School Lottery 101 Training

My School DC - School Lottery 101 Training

A recording of this meeting, as well as materials presented, are available below.

If you have questions about the lottery process, please call My School DC at 202-888-6336 or email You can also chat online with a specialist while you are logged in to the website and working on your lottery application. Visit for more.

Key Dates


I will be cohosting a virtual training on the D.C. school lottery process with my colleague, Commissioner Prita Piekara (5B03), on Thursday, January 20, at 6:30pm. This training is open to anyone, but is primarily geared toward families who are new to the lottery process, as well as those whose students are transitioning between school levels. Our guest will be Michele DeSando, the Parent Response Manager for My School DC.

Please see below for details. We look forward to seeing you there!

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 894 3121 3028
Passcode: 083315

Dial by Phone
+1 312 626 6799(Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 894 3121 3028
Passcode: 083315

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13126266799,,89431213028#,,,,*083315#

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Wednesday, January 19, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case 20648 / 824 Taylor St NE: A zoning special exception request for 824 Taylor Street NE (located in Single Member District 5A03, across the boundary line with 5B05). Please see below for details.

  • DDOT Proposed Alley Changes: A proposal by DDOT to amend the use of the alleys behind Shining Stars Montessori Academy. This proposal may be of particular interest to residents of the 1200 block of Randolph Street NE, the 1200 block of Michigan Avenue, and the 4000-4100 blocks of 13th Street NE. Please see below for details.

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 883 1668 3545
Passcode: 792200

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 883 1668 3545
Passcode: 792200

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,88316683545#,,,,*792200#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 824 Taylor Street NE (BZA Case No. 20648)

824 Taylor Street NE is a property located on the north side of Taylor Street, in SMD 5A03. Although it is not located in ANC 5B, the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) is required to give “great weight” to affected ANCs. It must also consider the views of residents residing within 200’ of the property, including those who live across the street from this property in SMD 5B05. Accordingly, I have invited the developer to present on the project to 5B05 residents. (Commissioner Singer Lucio of 5A03 will hold a separate meeting with her constituents.)

The builder proposes to modify the existing four-unit building to add four new units. The new construction would be in conformity with existing requirements for building height, lot occupancy, side and rear yard space, parking, and other zoning requirements.

However, under D.C. law, any new multifamily development in an RA-1 zone must obtain a ”special exception” from the BZA before it can be approved.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

Residents can view images of the existing structure and proposed development, as well as the developer’s application, below. Supporting documents are available here.

Aerial view of existing property.

Rendering of proposed development.

DDOT Proposed Alley Changes

Prior to the start of the 2021-22 school year, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) issued COVID-19 health and safety guidance to schools. In that guidance, it recommended that schools try to keep student/teacher cohorts separate during arrival and dismissal by:

  • staggering arrival and departure times;

  • utilizing multiple points of entry/exit; and/or

  • creating clear space delineations for students to line up to enter/exit the school.

Pursuant to these suggestions, Shining Stars Montessori Academy (SSMA) designated the school doors facing the alley behind the school as the drop-off/pick up location for its younger students. The vehicular traffic associated with the use of the alley for school drop-off/pick-ups has created some challenges for residents seeking to leave and return to their homes.

To address these concerns, DDOT has proposed to amend the traffic flow of the alley that runs parallel to the 1200 block of Randolph Street, as well as the alley that runs parallel to the 1200 block of Michigan Avenue, in order to accommodate school drop-off and pick-up traffic for SSMA.

Specifically, DDOT proposes to restrict alley access in both alleys between the hours of 8-9am and 2:30-4pm Monday through Friday. The east-west alley that runs parallel to Randolph Street would be one-way eastbound during those timeframes. The alley that runs parallel to Michigan Avenue would be one-way southbound during those times.


Alternative Options: DDOT considered two other alternatives (shown below) prior to proposing the option above. The first was to maintain the status quo: allowing drop-off/pick-up to continue in the alley without traffic restrictions. The second was to allow the west side of 13th Street to be used for school drop-off and pick-up instead of the alley.


Alternative 1 (Status Quo): Allow the alley to continue to be used for drop-off and pick-up without any traffic restrictions. This would allow vehicles to travel in either alley in both directions, space permitting.


Alternative 2 (13th Street): Another option DDOT considered was to allow SSMA to use west side of 13th Street, between Randolph and Shepherd Streets, as a drop-off/pick-up zone for students instead of the alley. This option would restrict parking on 13th Street from 7-9am and 3-5pm on school days.

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting


I will be holding a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Monday, November 15, at 6:30pm, to discuss a proposal to remove one bus stop and relocate another on 12th Street NE. You can review the bus stop relocation proposal below. We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 840 4650 6523
Passcode: 232065

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 840 4650 6523
Passcode: 232065

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,84046506523#,,,,*232065#

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DDOT Community Walk through 5B05

DDOT Community Walk through 5B05

I will be holding a community walk with DDOT on Saturday, November 6, at 7:30am. Bring your coffee! ☕️

We will begin our route at the intersection of 10th/Michigan/Bunker Hill Rd. The purpose of this walk is to cover some of the locations we were unable to get to on our walk with DDOT Director Lott in September. We will also try to include a few additional stops to cover other areas of concern to residents.

If you are unable to attend but would like me to flag a traffic safety concern with DDOT, please email me to let me know what the intersection and concern(s) are.

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Community Clean-Up: Halloween Edition! 🎃👻

Community Clean-Up: Halloween Edition! 🎃👻

Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 9.18.45 PM.png

I’m excited to host another community clean-up on Saturday, October 30, at 10:30am! This one will be Halloween-themed, and participants are enthusiastically encouraged to dress up in costume! 👻 I’ll be handing out candy afterward (including sugar-free alternatives). 🍬🍭

We’ll meet by Turkey Thicket at the corner of 10th Street and Shepherd.

Depending upon the level of participation, we may split up into teams to tackle multiple areas.

I will have gloves, trash bags, and trash pick-up sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (If you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves I have from Clean City DC are very large.)

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting


I will be holding a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Thursday, October 14, at 6:30pm, to discuss updates on traffic safety concerns, ANC 5B’s FY 2022 budget, and any other matters residents might wish to discuss.

Below, please find the ANC 5B Treasurer’s proposed budget below, along with a proposed community-centered budget that prioritizes funding for residents.

Treasurer’s proposed budget.

Treasurer’s proposed budget.

Comparison between Treasurer’s proposed budget (red) and Community-centered proposed budget (purple).

Comparison between Treasurer’s proposed budget (red) and Community-centered proposed budget (purple).

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 880 2681 0388
Passcode: 843394

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 880 2681 0388
Passcode: 843394

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,88026810388#,,,,*843394#

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SMD 5B05 Meeting

SMD 5B05 Meeting


I will be holding a Single Member District meeting on Wednesday, June 16, at 6:30pm, to discuss a zoning exemption request (BZA case #20504), and any other matters residents might wish to discuss.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer
Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 880 9320 8763
Passcode: 245522

One Tap Mobile
+13017158592,,88093208763#,,,,*245522# US (Washington DC)

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 880 9320 8763
Passcode: 245522

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Community Clean-Up + Sidewalk Palooza

Community Clean-Up + Sidewalk Palooza

I’m excited to host a community clean-up and Sidewalk Palooza at 10am on Sunday, June 13. 🌎🌳🦋 All are welcome—kids, too!

We’ll meet in front of Yes! Organic Market on 12th Street NE and focus our clean-up on the 1000 blocks of Otis, Perry, and Quincy Streets. If time allows, we can move on to the 1200 blocks of those streets afterward. (The city pays a contractor to clean up trash on 12th Street NE, which is why we’ll only focus on the adjacent side streets.)

I will have gloves, trash bags, and—fingers crossed!—trash picker sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (If you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves from Clean City DC are very large.)

What’s Sidewalk Palooza?

Sidewalk Palooza is the brainchild of Commissioner Erin Palmer (4B02) and Nick Sementelli (Ward 5 for All). The goal is for residents and community leaders to walk through the community and submit 311 requests related to sidewalk access; lack of sidewalks; inadequate sidewalk widths; overgrown vegetation; lack of pedestrian crossing protections (e.g., walk signals or crosswalks); short signal timing; safe passage to school; and other limitations that impede safe passage for pedestrians.

As we’re cleaning up our community, we’ll make note of sidewalks that are unsafe or need improvement and submit 311 requests for their repair. You can review details about how to submit 311 requests here.

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Planning + Zoning 101 Meeting

Planning + Zoning 101 Meeting

Presentation Materials and Video

Office of Planning | Ms. Evelyn Kasongo, Lead Planner, Wards 1, 5 | Presentation
Office of Zoning | Ms. Allison E. Myers, General Counsel | Presentation


I will be co-hosting a Planning + Zoning 101 meeting with my colleague, Commissioner Piekara (5B03), on Thursday, May 13, at 7:30pm. This meeting is intended to offer ANC 5B residents a basic overview of the land use planning process and zoning laws. Guests from the Office of Planning and the Office of Zoning will present on these issues. Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.

Due to capacity limits, participation will be capped at 100 participants.*

How to Join the Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting by clicking here
Meeting ID: 861 8283 1628
Passcode: 994177

One tap mobile:
+19292056099,,86182831628#,,,,*994177#US (New York)

Or dial 301-715-8592 and enter the following meeting ID and passcode when prompted:
Meeting ID: 861 8283 1628
Passcode: 994177

*A recording of the event will be made available afterward for anyone who wishes to watch the training at a later date.

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Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-Up

Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-Up

Based on the success and high level of interest following last month’s spring clean-up, I’m excited to host another clean-up at 11am on Sunday, April 18—just in time for Earth Day. 🌎🌳🦋 All are welcome—kids, too!

We’ll meet by Turkey Thicket at the corner of 10th Street and Shepherd (same meeting point as last month’s clean-up). Depending upon the level of participation, we may split up into teams to tackle multiple areas.

I will have gloves, trash bags, and—fingers crossed!—trash picker sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (And, if you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves I have from Clean City DC are very large.)

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