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SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Monday, April 18, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 880 0759 8426
Passcode: 065655

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 880 0759 8426
Passcode: 065655

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,88007598426#,,,,*065655#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 4001 7th Street NE (BZA Case No. 20706)

The structure at 4001 7th Street NE is currently a four-unit building. The owner proposes to add three additional units by increasing the building height by one story, bringing the total number of units to seven. This project will not alter the existing building footprint. The building will have four 2 BR, 2 Bath units, and three 2 BR, 1.5 Bath units. The owner will provide four parking spaces behind the building.

Under D.C. law, any new or substantially modified multifamily development in an RA-1 zone must obtain a ”special exception” from the BZA before it can be approved.

When deciding whether to approve a “special exception” request, the BZA will consider whether the property will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning regulations and maps and/or adversely affect the use of neighboring property.

Residents can view images of the existing structure and proposed development, as well as the developer’s application, below. Additional supporting documents are available here.

Rendering of proposed changes to structure (side-view).

Photo of existing building (side view).

Chart above shows that the proposed changes to 4001 7th Street NE are to:

  • expand the lot occupancy by 1% of the total lot area;

  • increase the Floor Area Ratio by .12;

  • increase the height by 13.22 feet; and

  • add four parking spaces.

April 6

ANC 5B Committee of the Whole (“COW”) planning meeting

April 23

Community Clean-Up!