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SMD 5B05 Meeting

I will hold a Single Member District meeting for residents of 5B05 on Tuesday, May 17, at 6:30pm. We will discuss the following items:

  • BZA Case 20741 / 1022 Taussig Pl. NE: A zoning special exception request for 1022 Taussig Pl. NE to replace an existing rear deck with a new, screened-in deck.

We will also discuss any other matters residents might wish to bring up.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer

Click here: Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 881 2166 3882
Passcode: 551012

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 881 2166 3882
Passcode: 551012

One Tap Mobile
Click on this link from your phone to dial into the meeting automatically, without having to enter the phone number and passcode: +13017158592,,88121663882#,,,,*551012#

Zoning Case: Special exception request for 1022 Taussig Pl. NE (BZA Case No. 20741)

The owner proposes to demolish an existing rear deck and replace it with a new, screened-in deck in the same location. Residents can view an image of the proposed deck below.

May 11

Reed Street Planned Unit Development Meeting

May 25

ANC 5B Monthly Meeting