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ANC 5B Special Meeting re: FY21 Budget

This is a meeting to discuss ANC 5B’s budget for FY 2021 (which began October 1, 2020, and ends September 31, 2021). Also up for discussion is ANC 5B’s Quarterly Financial Report for the last quarter of FY 2020 (July-September 2020).

I regret the very late notice of this meeting. Unfortunately, neither I nor our community received timely written notification about this meeting from the meeting host, in apparent violation of D.C. open meetings laws, which require a minimum of 7 days’ notice. D.C. law also requires that the public be given an opportunity to review and weigh in on the ANC’s budget before the Commission adopts it. This law, too, also appears not to have been followed.

How to Join

Join online:
Click here: Webex meeting link
Meeting ID: 172 872 1261
Password: ZNh7Jjn8QJ6

One-tap mobile:

Call in:
Meeting ID: 172 872 1261


  1. ANC 5B FY 2021 proposed budget (Oct. 1, 2020-September 31, 2021)

  2. ANC 5B Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) from Fiscal Year 2020, Fourth Quarter (July-September 2020)

  3. BZA Case #20456, 1002 Rhode Island Avenue NE

Please see below to view the proposed FY2021 budget and the FY20 Q4 QFR.

Proposed FY 2021 budget (covering the period of October 1, 2020, through September 31, 2021). (Also available here.)

Proposed FY 2021 budget (covering the period of October 1, 2020, through September 31, 2021). (Also available here.)

FY20 Q4 QFR.jpg

Key to Payee/Payor transaction notations below:

Sprint: Cost of maintaining five cell phone lines for ANC 5B Commissioners, only three of which are being actively used (Commissioners Costello and Piekara use Google Voice, which is free) | $283/month
CIT: Industrial printer/copier/fax machine | $238/month

  • Additional fees:

    • Any print/copy overages above the 1,000/month that are included in the contract

    • $75 “paperwork processing” fee charged when contract was initially signed by the Chair of ANC 5B in March 2020

Lawrence Alli: Landlord for 1920 Irving Street NE, where ANC 5B’s office is located | $550/month

June 3

ANC 5B Special Meeting re: Budget (RESCHEDULED)

June 13

Community Clean-Up + Sidewalk Palooza