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Community Clean-Up + Sidewalk Palooza

I’m excited to host a community clean-up and Sidewalk Palooza at 10am on Sunday, June 13. 🌎🌳🦋 All are welcome—kids, too!

We’ll meet in front of Yes! Organic Market on 12th Street NE and focus our clean-up on the 1000 blocks of Otis, Perry, and Quincy Streets. If time allows, we can move on to the 1200 blocks of those streets afterward. (The city pays a contractor to clean up trash on 12th Street NE, which is why we’ll only focus on the adjacent side streets.)

I will have gloves, trash bags, and—fingers crossed!—trash picker sticks available from Clean City DC, but please feel free to bring your own supplies in case I run out. (If you have any young helpers joining you, you may want to bring some smaller-sized gloves for them; the gloves from Clean City DC are very large.)

What’s Sidewalk Palooza?

Sidewalk Palooza is the brainchild of Commissioner Erin Palmer (4B02) and Nick Sementelli (Ward 5 for All). The goal is for residents and community leaders to walk through the community and submit 311 requests related to sidewalk access; lack of sidewalks; inadequate sidewalk widths; overgrown vegetation; lack of pedestrian crossing protections (e.g., walk signals or crosswalks); short signal timing; safe passage to school; and other limitations that impede safe passage for pedestrians.

As we’re cleaning up our community, we’ll make note of sidewalks that are unsafe or need improvement and submit 311 requests for their repair. You can review details about how to submit 311 requests here.

June 9

ANC 5B Special Meeting re: FY21 Budget

June 16

SMD 5B05 Meeting