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SMD 5B05 Meeting: Michigan Liquors Request to Expand Hours



Request by Michigan Liquors (3934 12th Street NE) to expand its hours to 6am-1am Sunday-Saturday.

This meeting is an opportunity for residents to weigh in on this request and make their views known. Our community can accept this request, reject it, or try to negotiate an alternative with Michigan Liquors.

The full ANC 5B Commission will vote, on March 24, on whatever resolution our community is able to reach with Michigan Liquors.


  • 6:35-6:40pm: Presentation: Matthew Burch, General Manager, Michigan Liquors

  • 6:40-7:10pm: Public Discussion/Q+A


Michigan Liquors signed a voluntary settlement agreement (see below) in 1997 with our Advisory Neighborhood Commission that Michigan Liquors now seeks to amend.

A settlement agreement, in this context, is a contract between a liquor licensee and other parties that include terms and conditions aimed at addressing the concerns of the neighborhood. Settlement agreements are voluntary and may be entered into at any time.

Pursuant to that binding agreement, Michigan Liquors may not be open after 9:30pm on Saturdays or on weekdays before public holidays. Michigan Liquors’ current business hours are:

  • Sunday-Thursday: 9am-9pm

  • Friday-Saturday: 9am-10pm (*Note: It appears the business’s current hours are in violation of the voluntary settlement agreement, which we can discuss at this meeting.)

Michigan Liquors would like to negotiate an amendment to this settlement agreement to expand its business hours to 6am-1am, Sunday-Saturday.

How to Join the Meeting

On a Computer
Meeting ID: 825 2896 5942
Passcode: 703517

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82528965942#,,,,*703517# US (Washington DC)

Dial by Phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 825 2896 5942
Passcode: 703517

ML SA1.jpg
ML SA 2.jpg

Meeting Flyer

Below is a copy of the meeting letter/flyer I distributed to residents residing in the immediate vicinity of the area at issue.

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